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nervous irritability中文是什么意思

用"nervous irritability"造句"nervous irritability"怎么读"nervous irritability" in a sentence


  • 神经应激性


  • Every face from denisov down to the bugler showed about the lips and chin the same lines of conflict and nervous irritability and excitement
  • The next morning she found her grandmother in bed ; the fever had not abated , on the contrary her eyes glistened and she appeared to be suffering from violent nervous irritability
    她并没有退烧相反的,她的眼睛里闪着忧郁的火花,象是精神上正受着痛苦的折磨, “哦,亲爱的外婆!
  • The nervous irritability , into which he had been thrown by the sight of mack , the news of his defeat and the thought of what lay before the russian army , found a vent in anger at the misplaced jest of zherkov
  • It was evident that madame danglars was suffering from that nervous irritability which women frequently cannot account for even to themselves ; or that , as debray had guessed , she had experienced some secret agitation that she would not acknowledge to any one
  • The coarse fare to which he was unused , the vodka he drank during those days , the lack of wine and cigars , his dirty , unchanged linen , and two half - sleepless nights , spent on a short sofa without bedding , all reduced pierre to a state of nervous irritability bordering on madness
用"nervous irritability"造句  
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